Thursday, March 15, 2007
New TEFL Curriculums for ByCENED
From February 19th to March 2nd, the Escuela Normal, at the request of English Dept. Coordinators Guille Gonzalez and Alicia Porras developed two new English Teaching curricula with the cooperation of the U.S. Embassy sponsored Senior English Language Fellow. The "Diplomado" in English Teaching at the Secondary level has been designed to update in-service secondary English teachers in methodologies consistent with the reform such as: Communicative Language Teaching, Muliple Intelligences and Learning Strategies, Reflective Teaching and CALL (computer aided language learning). The second project is an Add-on in English Teaching to the BA in Primary Education. This course includes English Language training as well as pedagogical training in teaching English to young learners. Both of these courses will be conducted in English. Bravo! It is hoped that the English students at the primary and secondary levels will soon feel the effect of this collaboration. Thanks must go to Guille and Alicia who so graciously received the Fellow.