Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Escuela Normal Superior de Chiapas gets motivated with Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences

On September 22nd and 23rd, 2007 64 English teachers and students attended the workshop entitled “Motivating Learners with Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences" at the Escuela Normal Superior de Chiapas (ENSCH)in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. The event was organized by Maestro Enrique Sanchez Manchinelly and facilitated by English Language Fellow Brigitte Miller. Despite the diverse English levels of the group and the fact that the workshop followed the regional MEXTESOL convention, many dedicated Chiapan teachers participated admirably anyway.
In the first session on Saturday from 4p.m.- 8p.m., participants discussed what motivates teachers and learners. Then they practiced cooperative learning: what it is and how to organize it effectively by participating in a reading "jigsaw".
In the second session on Sunday morning from 9a.m.- 1:30p.m., participants learned about Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory. Then they interacted in some cooperative, multiple-intelligence activities that can be used in their own classrooms.Some products of these activities were the multiple intelligence chants and their cooperative learning word webs.
According to the workshop evaluation, 97% of the participants found the activities interesting and useful. Their favorite parts of the workshop were "Multiple Intelligences" and the interactive activity "Who Am I?".
The workshop ended with some words of encouragement from the ENSCH director Maestro Jose Raul Davila Ramirez and the distribution of certificates of participation. Thanks to Enrique and the hard-working teachers of Chiapas for making this event happen. Good luck.