I attended an informative presentation by Francisco Lozano on Video Techniques for the ELT Classroom and the very dynamic closing plenary" What Makes a Good Teacher and What Makes the Best Teacher" by English teacher trainer/dance instructor Adan Alberto Hurtado Olivares
My own session "Fun and Games for Oral Fluency and Motivation" was packed with 45 enthusiastic students and teachers.
At my other session"Letting Them In On the Secret:Rubrics for Formative Assessment", 36 teachers and students learned how to create rubrics with their students. For those interested in more information about rubrics please check out this wonderful online resource "Rubistar" or get a copy of the final handout by leaving me a comment with your email address here on the blog. I look forward to hearing from you!
I had the opportunity to catch up with, founding president of MEXTESOL Morelia and teacher trainer, Luis Gerardo Ramirez Amor (pictured here with me passing out certificates of attendance and books generously donated by the publishers). I also got to meet the Universidad Latina's new English coordinator Yacine Kabbage and MEXTESOL Morelia's lovely president, Monica Alvarez (pictured here after all the event's activities were successfully finished).
Thanks MEXTESOL Morelia! I had a great time. Best of luck with your next event!