Monday, April 7, 2008

"Worlds of TESOL" meet in New York City for the 2008 TESOL convention

The theme of the 42nd annual TESOL convention in New York City was "Worlds of TESOL: Building Communities of Practice, Inquiry and Creativity". People from all over the planet gathered in this most global of cities to present, learn and connect. I, for one, met up with friends, colleagues and mentors from Monterrey, Cairo, Morocco, Russia and San Francisco as well as former fellows from everywhere! Personal favorites were: the session by AUC professor Phyllis Wachob and Salma Waly on their work with refugee communities called "Teaching English to Refugees in Transition", the session "Online TESOL Education: Creative Communities of Practice" with Liz England, David Hall, John Knox, Ralph Sabio and Datta Kaur Khalsa and finally, the English Language Fellow Program networking event. There were plenaries by Penny Ur and Lia Kamhi-Stein among others and the TESOL job market place was filled with recruiters from all over. If you didn't attend this year, but you'd like to attend next year, register for MEXTESOL membership to be eligible for a grant that could help you with expenses for the 43rd annual TESOL convention to be held March 25-28th, 2009 in Denver, Colorado.