Although small, the group's enthusiasm, dedication to teaching and experience made for interesting discussions and productive collaborations. According to the online workshop evaluation 100 % of the participants liked the topics, activities and explanations in the workshop (Wow!!). The participants favorite parts were the activities( particularly the oral fluency ones) and the opportunity to share ideas with colleagues. They will use the cooperative and writing activities most in their own teaching and for future workshops they'd like to learn about reflective teaching and authentic materials. Thank you Erika for organizing the event. It was so much fun getting to know all of you. Keep in touch.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Teachers and Trainers at the UNAM's Facultad de Estudios Superiores in Acatlan Develop Communicative Competence
Thirteen English teachers and trainers from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) Acatlan campus gathered together from February 11th- 15th, 2008 to learn more about: Task-based Cooperative Learning, Developing Projects for Mixed Ability Classes, Developing Oral Fluency, Developing Writing Fluency and Motivation.